Every term as a school we seek the feedback of parents, staff and pupils to ensure that we continue to work on improving the school further. Please find the document below which shows the results of the Parent Survey from June 2022. The headline results were:
My child is well cared for - 100% agreed
My child enjoys school - 100% agreed
My child feels safe at Roydon - 100% agreed
The school provides my child with a good quality education - 100% agreed
Communication from the school is good - 100% agreed
I would recommend this school to another parent - 98%
Please feel free to request more details.
Thank you for the overwhelming positive feedback and the very kind messages we received. It was lovely to read about how parents feel we are a strong community with passionate teachers.
Thank you for your continued support, as always if you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Kind Regards
Mrs A Myatt
Head of School