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🔴 Red Nose Day 2025 pic.twitter.com/HymUKzSuAt

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Eat them to defeat them! 🥕🥦🍅🫑 Last week, we enjoyed exploring healthy eating, with pupils taking part in workshops where they tried various fruits and vegetables! pic.twitter.com/l0whfCLLa4


🎉 A massive thank you to for their work on refurbishing our roof 🏫 🔨 Your team's hard work has ensured that our pupils learn and grow in a well insulated and comfortable environment 🩵 pic.twitter.com/dhXJKZf7Vp

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🔖 It's ‘Storytelling Week’ at Roydon! Family members have been invited in to school, to share their favourite book with the children at the end of the day - an extra special story time! 📚 pic.twitter.com/Zn3PFYxUn9

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This morning, we welcomed to Roydon. He spoke to the children in assembly about what his role involves, he took part in a whole school Q&A session then had a tour of our lovely school, led by our Junior Leadership Team. pic.twitter.com/YhDF1C5pod

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🏦 Year 4 had the most brilliant time at the Verulamium Museum. 🪙 They explored artefacts, took part in a workshop and represented Roydon beautifully throughout! pic.twitter.com/5a4E2QEmKt

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We’ve celebrated children who have been showcasing our EARTH Values. Well done to all those who received a values certificate. 🌎 A special mention to all our Year 6 children who have shown the value of Resilience, whilst completing a mock SATs week. pic.twitter.com/ZtG55TNwgD

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Yesterday, our Key Stage 2 children walked to the church for their annual Carol Service. This started our week of festivities beautifully with their singing and the retelling of the Christmas Story. 🎄 pic.twitter.com/lU3HaATYy3

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OPEN MORNING We're looking forward to welcoming prospective families to view our school on Friday 11th October at 9:30am. To find out more and to book on to our tours, please contact the school office: Tel: 01279 793152 Email: admin.org.uk pic.twitter.com/GRmRQUKbTs

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OPEN MORNING We're looking forward to welcoming prospective families to view our school on Friday 4th October at 9:30am. To find out more and to book on to our tours, please contact the school office: Tel: 01279 793152 Email: admin.org.uk pic.twitter.com/q1gwXeiEn3

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OPEN MORNING We're looking forward to welcoming prospective families to view our school on Friday 20th September at 9:30am To find out more and to book on to our tours, please contact the school office: Tel: 01279 793152 Email: admin.org.uk pic.twitter.com/3GeoZOHdFc

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Year 4 we’re transported back to the Victorian era as part of their History topic. pic.twitter.com/G6xFiw9wAo

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Owl class have been composing using virtual technology 🎼🎶🎵🎹 pic.twitter.com/5tXOGm5uT3

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Badger class have been using thermometers to predict temperature pic.twitter.com/xSdEJBV4xX

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In this weeks art lesson,the children in Squirrel class had to create a Mondrian inspired piece of art using coloured pasta 😀 pic.twitter.com/7sxjDSRH0k

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Pheasant class have been learning about time ⏰ pic.twitter.com/u942mCRIxh

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Rabbit class have had fun in their garden this week! What did Paddington Bear do at the weekend? pic.twitter.com/n4Cvda63al

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Cookery club made some fantastic cheese cakes this week 😋 pic.twitter.com/SqJcCzbztw

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Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their immersive Tudor work shop ⭐️⭐️ pic.twitter.com/9uUiZNp7YY

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Some beautiful artwork to update the ‘Rabbit Gallery’ linking with our mini beast theme 🐛🦋 . pic.twitter.com/DVZRjbKJqt

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Outstanding Education

Supporting primary and secondary schools across Essex and North & East London, BMAT is a growing multi-academy trust with a singular vision: schools, teachers and pupils freed to succeed.

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Equality Statement


The Equality Act 2010 replaced all existing equality legislation such as the Race Relations Act, Disability Discrimination Act and Sex Discrimination Act.

We are committed to the promotion of community cohesion at Academy Trust, local, national and global levels, comparing our Academy Trust community to its local and national context and implementing all necessary actions in relation to:

  • ethnicity,
  • religion or belief, and
  • socio-economic background

In accordance with the values of BMAT we pledge:

  • to respect the equal human rights of all our pupils;
  • to educate them about equality; and
  • to respect the equal rights of our staff and other members of the Academy Trust community.

We will assess and analyse our current Academy Trust practices and implement all necessary resulting actions to ensure pupils are not discriminated against because of their:

  • Age (in relation to staff only);
  • Sex;
  • Sexual orientation;
  • Race;
  • Disability;
  • Religion, faith/belief;
  • Gender re-assignment;
  • Pregnancy or maternity;
  • Marriage and civil partnership (in relation to staff only)

These ‘Protected characteristics’ have been set out in law in the Equality Act 2010.

BMAT is committed to eliminating practices, which could result in unfair or less favourable treatment for persons with a protected characteristic.


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