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Fern Plants for Every Classroom
Posted: 20th October 2021Last week, Roydon Primary Academy’s Year 6 Environment and Well-being Prefects wrote to FORSA the Parents Teaching Association requesting for a fern plant for every classroom in the school. The children have since received the fern plants and have brightened up everyone’s day.
Amelia, in Owl class, wrote a detailed list of reasons as to why she brought a fern plant into the classroom. She sighted reasons such as the plant producing oxygen converted from carbon dioxide to help students breathe in fresher air.
Headteacher, Anna Myatt said that the implementation of the fern plants into classrooms will help students learn important life lessons such as they begin to mature such as commitment and dependability.
She said: “Internal planting connects indoors with outdoors, improves acoustics and creates a calm environment. It also teaches children about being responsible and meeting the needs of their class plant.”