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Bandaged Children go Back in Time
Posted: 6th June 2022Children with bandaged arms and legs were found strewn around their school.
There was no need to panic, however, as the Year 2 pupils were recreating hospital scenes from the Victorian era as part of their Florence Nightingale day.
The pupils used improvisation, role play and imagination as part of their topic work.
They travelled back to the Scutari hospital during the Crimean War and explored the challenging environment while imagining what it might have been like to be a nurse or soldier during the war.
During the topic, pupils also learnt about Mary Seacole, the difference she made to so many soldiers and the prejudice she faced at the time.
Head of school Anna Myatt said: “It’s important for the children to have the opportunity to experience themed drop-down days with a variety of foci, all building important knowledge and skills such as confidence and resilience.”